Please take me away from here owl city 291495-Please take me away from here owl city
Owl City's sound is generally characterized by bubbly synth melodies combined with oddball lyrics about cutesy romance, nostalgia, ethereal musings and puns Lots of punsDepending on who you ask, these songs are either endearing or sickeningNevertheless, Young has otherwise enjoyed a reasonably successful career, particularly with providing theme songs to several animatedCarry me away from here Travel light, let the sun eclipse you 'Cause your flight is about to leave And there's more to this brave adventure Than you'd ever believe Birdseye view, awake the stars 'cause they're all around you Wide eyes will always brighten the blue Chase your dreams, and remember me, sweet braveryHow f i r e f l i e s right you are, patrick Fireflies By Owl City English Esl Worksheets For Distance Learning And Physical Classrooms Please take me away from here owl city